Soul 2 Soul communication continues here.....

Animals are precious and pious souls and communicating with them is a divine, emotional and healing experience. Talk to your pet both living and passed on with Sunny Mann, an experienced animal communicator, trainer/facilitator and energy healer ( offers distance crystal healing too).

When all hope is lost, turning to
communication for answers is like a healing balm- Sunny.
IT'S ME- SUNNY!All animals hold a special place in my heart. But then, I grew up surrounded by animals, of all sorts of shapes and sizes. For my childhood was spent in East India, in Hazaribagh, the “city of a thousand gardens”. As a little girl, I would sit and watch King Cobras dancing in my front garden. During school holidays, I explored the mystical, enchanting wilderness every day, just like the characters of the “Famous Five” books I loved to read. Alone, I tracked the paw prints of leopards that would lead me through herds of wild boar, who were never bothered by the intrusion of little seven-year-old Sunny passing through their home. I would lose myself in their world. Thrice, search parties were sent out to the jungles to find me. As a teenager, I immersed myself in nature, roaming the pine forests in the higher reaches of Kashmir. I happily shared the dense seclusion of the forests with the bears who were their proud residents. I would come face with scorpions in our makeshift shower almost every day. Yet I never held any fear for these potentially dangerous animals. Animals, for me, have only ever been friends. As a school girl, much to the shock and despair of my parents, I came home with a 15-day old dachshund puppy. Ripsy was super intelligent, and toilet trained from the word go. I felt like she understood what I needed her to do even as a tiny puppy. She soon won my parents over and became the heart throb of the family. Our household has delighted in having pets ever since. I never realised that I was an animal communicator, but all my life I could understand them and their stories.
The sudden passing of my fur baby Shubhi, my beloved miniature schnauzer, left me bereft and desperate. I couldn’t bear to let her go. In my grief, I turned to animal communication, and discovered I didn’t have to. She was still with me all the time! And more than that; I learned to communicate directly with her with ease and clarity. Through that, I found my healing. She has since become my Spiritual Guide, and with her I have transformed my innate affinity with animals into a soul-to-soul connection with them. I am blessed to have helped many families receive messages from their transitioned pets. I have helped locate missing pets, and successfully addressed behavioural and emotional issues with them. I am deeply moved by the profound love the departed pets always feel for their pet parents and families, and nothing makes me happier than to be their messenger. In communicating their massage, I help to heal not only the pet parent, but also the pet, whose heart hurts to see the pain of their loss. It is a privilege to help bring peace to both parties, with Shubhi by my side.
For a limited time, Sunny has partnered with Painted Rain Ranch Animal Sanctuary. 50% of the proceeds will be donated to Painted Rain Ranch Animal Sanctuary and 50% will go towards buying land for an animal sanctuary in Australia.
30-MINUTE ANIMAL COMMUNICATION SESSIONS: Email/Zoom/ Messenger pet communication session. Sunny will connect with your companion and invite them to share as many details as possible or answer your four questions based on your goals.4- REMOTE HEALING SESSIONS:
Sunny will connect with your animal and offer healing sessions. The healings will be offered based on the need and in the interval that will work in the best interest of the pet.
ADVANCED ONE-ON-ONE ANIMAL COMMUNICATION TRAINING: Trainings customised for individual needs. The trainings provided by Sunny will be comprehensive and will include both basic and advanced animal communication. It will include: basics of animal communication, delivering the message, behavioural issues, lost pets, afterlife communication, practice sessions and much more.HELP TO TRANSITION: When it is time for the pet to move to the other realm, Sunny will provide assistance to the pet to have a smooth transition, making it comfortable for both the pet and parent.BEHAVIOURAL ISSUES: Even minor behavioural issues can sometimes take a turn for the worst. Clear communication and goals for the pets are necessary to correct it. Sometimes a few habits need to be corrected/tweaked with the pet parents too. Sunny will communicate with your animal to resolve the issues, while working closely with you and your pet.LOST PETS: The thought of losing a pet is unthinkable and when it actually happens it is the worst nightmare. The scenario is continuously changing and Sunny will be in regular communication with both the pet and the parent about the evolving conditions.Send Sunny a clear photo of the pet with eyes visible, age, sex, living or transitioned, names of pet and pet parent, your relationship with the pet. Kindly provide the information as soon as you book the sessions. Sunny will communicate with your companion before the session and discuss it during the allocated session.Reach out to SUNNY for additional information.Email:[email protected]
Insta: talk2pets25

Pet Communication: Living & Afterlife-Only $130 USD 30 min session
Pet communication: Living & Afterlife- Only $250 USD 60 min session
Help to Transition- Only $250 USD
Energy Healing-Only $200 USD (4 sessions)
Behavioural Issues- Only $399 USD (4 sessions)
Locating Lost Pets-Only $150 USD each session
One on One Customised Training- only $1200 USD Basic and Advanced package

Soul 2 Soul connection with SUNNY, experienced animal communicator, trainer/facilitator and healer.

What people think about Sunny's Connection with their pet...

Giving emotions a language

It's going to be humbling, it's going to be followed by a surreal feeling, it's going to be like-how's it even possible!"Thank You so much for all of the very accurate readings on my pets. Sunny has communicated with my horses and dogs both living and passed. I was so amazed on the things that they had told her. I highly recommend her". T.B.BENDICKSON"Sunny has a high level of understanding and deep empathy for animals.
She has connected and communicated with my 3 departed dogs. Each reading was accurate with lots of details. I immediately recognized each dog by specific and individual messages given. Each reading confirmed that each my dogs knew about my concerns I had for them. Sunny has the talent to convey genuine information and emotions.
I am impressed and I highly recommend her"!! D.THEA
"Sunny’s animal communication readings are nothing short of incredible. She not only talks to them; she talks for them. Somehow, she manages to see the world from their eyes, telling their stories in their words". AMANDA"Sunny is amazing at communicating with animals! She has such a huge heart for helping animals and people." C. COWLING

Grief & healing

The pain of a pet's passing over is unbearable- saying goodbye is a process and may take long!

Not in a physical body anymore. Feeling agonised when unable to get signs from the departed soul- desperate to communicate. It is doable! Let's talk to your pet to find out more..According to Sunny, transitioned souls of pets communicate the emotions and sentiments of the life lived, love shared, and soul connections. Everything operates from the space of love, no bad feelings and grievances, everything is told in its purest form- it's a connection with a divine soul!Reach out to Sunny, an afterlife communication expert to communicate and receive messages to and from your companion.Photo: SHUBHI (Sunny's departed fur baby)
Email:[email protected]
Insta: talk2pets25

It's a two way communication

Everyone deserves an opportunity to express their feelings. All communication with the pet is from their perspective including the visions shown by them.Email:[email protected]
Insta: talk2pets25

Tell and Listen, Hear and Act..